I couldn't drag my husband away from Don Garlits’ Museum.

The Villages, FL, is near Ocala, FL and Ocala, FL is where Don Garlits’ Museum is located. Now that we were living in The Villages, my husband thought he was going to be going there often. I understood why my husband had an affinity for Don Garlits’ Museum. He knew him when he was a young man. My husband spent most of his summers on a motorcycle, always trying to break a speed record. Don Garlits’ Museum is a museum filled with drag racing facts and cars. He even has a part of his car that was involved in an accident and took off half his foot. It was what led to a need for rear motors in drag racing. Since my husband was a motorcycle drag racer, and he knew Don Garlits, he felt the need to know more and see his museum. He wanted to see cars and motorcycles, especially the first motorcycle to break the 200 MPH speed limit. On a hot summer day, he had me leave my air-conditioned home and go to Don Garlits’ Museum with him. Some of it was interesting, but I was more interested in the air conditioning. I followed my husband around as he talked about the smell of the fuel and the night being lit up by flames. He said the roar of the engines had him running to the track. Even if he was working on his bike, he walked away when he heard the roar. I got to see him race during his last couple of years and help him with his motorcycle. I could understand why Don Garlits’ Museum was such a big draw for him.


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Sculpture Walk Sioux Falls: Tastes of Sioux Falls have arrived.

Every year, my mom volunteers to work at Sculpture Walk Sioux Falls.

  • They have the annual tastes of Sioux Falls.

Tastes of Sioux Falls is a fundraising event to help fund Sculpture Walk, Sioux Falls. Taste of Sioux Falls is the region’s most popular tasting event that draws in nearly 250 foodies to taste the food prepared by a dozen premiere restaurants from the Sioux Falls area. The event is held in October, so if you plan on going, check the weather. You may need a heavy jacket or to layer your clothing. I used to enjoy the Sculpture Walk, Sioux Falls’ Tastes of Sioux Falls.
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It took me two years to discover the Automobile Museum.

I couldn’t believe I had lived in St.

Petersburg, FL, for almost two years before I discovered the Tampa Automobile Museum.

My husband and I were trying to escape the summer heat. The temperatures were nearing 100 degrees, and we had been in the house for over a week, wanting to stay cool with the air conditioning. My husband told me he was tired of being in the house, but it was too hot outside. He started perusing the television channels and found a channel that was highlighting the St. Petersburg/Tampa Bay area. They were showcasing some things you could do and still stay cool. One gentleman was talking, and he was talking about the Tampa Bay Automobile Museum. He mentioned that if you are a vintage car enthusiast, this was a must for your itinerary. The man laughed and said not to worry, because it was air-conditioned. John’s interest was piqued when he saw the collection of cars from the 1920s through the 1930s. They were known for their engineering. All the cars were from the era that set a trend for the future of cars. He came running into the kitchen and told me to get dressed. He wanted to go to the Tampa Bay Automobile Museum. Most of the car, like the E from France, DKW Meisterklasse from Germany, Tatra T87 from Czechoslovakia, and the American Ruxton. When he told me it didn’t matter if I had heard of the cars, he did. I knew he was serious about going to the museum.

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Fantastic Caves were fantastic.

I had lived in Springfield, MO for almost a year before I visited Fantastic Caverns.

  • I had heard a lot about them, and it sounded like an amazing place to go.

My daughter was off for the summer, and it was feeling like it was going to be a hot one this year. It was the middle of July, and the temperatures were in the nineties. She told me she had read that Fantastic Caverns was always around 60 degrees, so we grabbed a sweater and headed out. It was less than ten miles away, and I was as excited as she was to go. She told me the karst landscape is that of much of the Missouri underground. I asked her what karst means, and she looked it up. It said that ‘karst’ landscape meant it was underlain by limestone, which has been erosion. This produces ridges, towers, fissures, sinkholes and other characteristic landforms. We took a 55 minute jeep-drawn tram ride into Fantastic cavern. The guide told us Fantastic Caverns was America’s only ride-through cave system. I had to admit that Fantastic Caverns lived up to its name, and it really was only 60 degrees in there. The heat and humidity hit us like a ton of bricks when we got out of there, and we couldn’t wait to get home to the air conditioning. I wonder if it would be the same if we visited in the winter. Would it feel even colder when we got outside, or would the sixty degrees feel almost hot? I’ll need to go during the winter just to satisfy my curiosity.
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My husband loves the Studebaker National Museum.

When I told my husband I wanted to go to Four Winds Casinos in South Bend, IN for my birthday, he laughed. I told him we could make it a weekend trip. He wasn’t sure what to say, but finally asked what he was supposed to while I was losing money. I told him he played the slots as much as I did, and he’d have a lot of fun. We could spend the night in the Four Winds Casinos hotel, and then the next day, we could go to the Studebaker National Museum. He lit up like a kid on Christmas morning. I knew all about Christmas morning because my birthday was on Christmas Eve and I got all my gifts on Christmas morning. He told me to keep an eye on the weather, but that wasn’t a concern. We lived about fifty miles from South Bend, and it was a trip we could take in a couple of hours, even if it was snowing. They had excellent heat in both places I wanted to go to, and even if the weather was bad, we had four-wheel drive and could go slow. I had answers to every question he had. I could tell he would not argue when I told him about the Studebaker National Museum. He is a car buff, and I love cars. It surprised us to learn the Studebaker family had over a century of experience on wheels at the museum. They started with the making of Conestoga Wagons in 1835 and ended when their last Studebaker rolled off the line in 1966. I was really interested, even when I we saw the world’s largest collection of Presidential Carriages. It was an amazing weekend for both of us.
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