Author: Josie

Might want to upgrade to heated flooring

I have looked into purchasing heated flooring for my apartment in Springfield, MO, however the reason is that the winter time season in Missouri is just brutal, it is long and lingers for months on end! August to May can be entirely frigid and require the boiler to be on. I own a central heater […]

Funky smell coming from my AC

For a long time anytime my cooling system ran it had a funny smell, but that was unfortunate since I live in Tuscaloosa, AL. That means the AC system was consistently running… It smelled like a musty, wet basement. I tried spraying a cleaner. I tried mopping the floors. I also tried putting those wall […]

Funky aroma coming from my AC

For a long time anytime my cooling system ran it had a funny aroma, but that was unfortunate since I live in Tuscaloosa, AL. That means the AC system was consistently running, it aromaed like a musty, wet basement. I tried spraying a cleaner. I tried mopping the floors. I also tried putting those wall […]

Mini split for my woodtoiling

I have recently gotten into woodtoiling, i used to do it as a hobby in addition to now it is like a part time job, however pretty soon I am going to quit my full time job in addition to do this instead. I prefer making furniture out of pieces of wood. I prefer getting […]