Funky aroma coming from my AC

For a long time anytime my cooling system ran it had a funny aroma, but that was unfortunate since I live in Tuscaloosa, AL. That means the AC system was consistently running, it aromaed like a musty, wet basement. I tried spraying a cleaner. I tried mopping the floors. I also tried putting those wall plug scent things. It never seemed to help, however so then I started trying to find out what was the cause of the odory odor. I looked all around as well as decided it was my cooling equipment. I changed the air filter as well as realized that is where my knowledge is done. So I got on the cellphone as well as called a Tuscaloosa AC supplier to get me started. The AC business for AL was absolutely great. The guy worked on every part of my AC system, then he worked on the HVAC duct as well as found it clean. He looked at the outdoor unit. Then he tore up the inside unit as well as found the root of the problem. I had mold on my cooling coil, then as the AC operated, the air was blowing over the coil as well as leading to that disappointing aroma. The guy simply cleaned it up, put some vinegar through the system as well as it was right as rain. ACs are wet systems as well as clogging up with mold, mildew, algae, as well as other bacteria is quite normal. I know I am going to be better about AL AC service since I don’t want to deal with that funky odor again. I don’t want to have that wet basement aroma or be breathing in mold spores. That isn’t healthy at all.
HVAC provider in Tuscaloosa Alabama