My family and I have been residing in Albuquerque for approximately 18 months.
My husband was transferred to Albuquerque, so we sold our lake dwelling and moved across the country.
When we first arrived in Albuquerque, we were astonished by the size of the city. The people I was with and I came from a city with a population of 18200 and Albuquerque was much larger than that. There are plenty of things that are different about Albuquerque. For example, NM has legal cannabis. There are legal cannabis dispensaries on every street corner around Albuquerque. On occasion you walk by the cannabis dispensaries and you can smell the weed a good distance away. It’s genuinely one of the things I hate most about living in Albuquerque. I don’t use cannabis at all, so it is just a nuisance to me for the most part. This past weekend, my family and I made the choice to drive to White Sands, NM for the first time. The people I was with and I took our tent and camped in the National Park. It was about three hours from White Sands to Albuquerque, but my husband and I did not mind making the long trip. The people I was with and I stayed 2 days at the park and we drove back to our dwelling on Sunday in the morning. Even though it was such a long trip, we managed to have a huge amount of fun on the drive-by listening to ancient CDs from the time we got together. The people I was with and I sang the lyrics out loud with the windows rolled down. When we all finally arrived back home, I was wishing we would have stayed a little bit longer. There were so many things we did not get to see during our stay.