I had the day off on Saturday, so I decided to spend the day in San Francisco.
I love spending the day in the Bay Area.
There are so many fun and interesting things to see and do. I like going to the museums and the art galleries. I also like going to the bridge and the park. Last time I went to the park, I was very high. I had spent the morning smoking marijuana with my friends. I was starving by the time I got to the park and I immediately looked for a place to buy some lunch. It was a cold and brisk day and soup sounded like a great idea. I ordered clam chowder in a bread bowl from a place in San Francisco that is known for having the best chowder. The sourdough bread was very flavorful and tasty. It was salty, but not too bad. After smoking marijuana and getting high, I was ready to eat anything that I saw. I walked all over the park that day and I probably ate more food than I ever have. I’ve tried every San Francisco treat that I could find. I’ve never had any other marijuana strain that made me feel the same way that this one did. The munchies were absolutely terrible. I can’t remember any other time in my life when I have ever over eaten so badly in one day. I had zero self control after smoking marijuana. My stomach was so upset the next day. I felt like I was going to die.