I frequently travel to a new state and give a presentation to prospective clients.
It usually takes one to two days of meeting with people to sign a deal.
I then elect to stay part of the weekend in the area if I think it is good enough. Typically the places I am sent to are a huge letdown. There usually isn’t much to do unless I want to see a local baseball, hockey or basketball game. I recently went to Albuquerque, New Mexico though. That was a surprise. I am glad that I didn’t write the city off as boring and did some research first. I did a quick peek at the top 50 things to do in Albuquerque and found that there is a vast selection. You can be active with bike routes and hikes. You can eat amazing food like green chile bread. You can also tour winnies, museums or shop at Old Town. I decided it was worth spending an extra day to see the city in person. I am so glad I did that. Anytime someone asks me a place that I went and enjoyed, I mention Albuquerque, New Mexico. You don’t hear a lot about it but it is such a nice area. Any kind of person would have fun. I also happened to stay at a hotel that offered rooftop dining. At night I could have my dinner and look at the city line. The weather was gorgeous and the sights were amazing. I ended up spending a lot of time there just eating, drinking and relaxing. I definitely want to take my wife there for a trip sometime soon.