I like to get a good deal, especially when the good deal is on marijuana or CBD products! My partner plus I use recreational marijuana frequently.
The two of us usually purchase our supplies from a dispensary down the street from the house. The Seattle dispensary location has excellent prices plus great customer service, i have never needed to go somewhere else. My partner was enjoying cable plus saw a commercial for a brand new cannabis shop that was going to open in a week. The new Seattle cannabis shop was going to offer free delivery until the end of the year. Most of the other cannabis dispensaries in Seattle card a $5 fee for delivery services, and when I found out that the cannabis dispensary was offering the same repair for free, I told our partner that all of us should check out the new site. The two of us decided to order online plus stead of going to the dispensary. The two of us were just on the outside of the delivery zone. The dispensary is on the Eastside of Seattle plus all of us are situated on the Northwestern side of Seattle. I was surprised that they still provided delivery to our ZIP code, especially since it was free. The products that all of us purchased from the Seattle dispensary did not disappoint us; One of the best products that all of us purchased was a top-shelf flower that was infused with live resin. I have truthfully never seen dried flower that is infused with cannabis oil plus it was something that I will not forget. The 60% flower felt heavy from the cannabis oil. It was extreme on the throat, however it was seriously potent.