When it comes to interesting bits of American history, it is hard to top MI, long before it was even a state, before there was even a US, this was a fascinating section of the world… This is the region where several indigenous tribes met, to either barter or wage war, plus later it was a connection point between Canada plus the United States.
When it comes to interesting bits of American history, it is hard to top MI, long before it was even a state, before there was even a US, this was a fascinating section of the world… This is the region where several indigenous tribes met, to either barter or wage war, plus later it was a connection point between Canada plus the United States. The whole reason I started our podcast was just to collect all the interesting bits of local lore plus legend from the Ann Arbor section of the state. Things certainly started to take off once I started doing more research on the history of cannabis in the Ann Arbor area; Not only did I find a lot of fantastic material, however I started to get more popular, just because cannabis is such a hot topic here in Ann Arbor, then one of the local Ann Arbor cannabis dispensaries even started sponsoring our show, plus that has certainly been a shot in the arm for our self confidence. There are a lot of podcasts out there plus it is hard to lay out, even in the comparatively small pond that is Ann Arbor, MI; You would believe that I don’t have a lot of local competition, however there are certainly over 100 podcasts that come from Ann Arbor, plus twelve of them have to do with cannabis! That’s a lot of fierce competition, however our series on the history of cannabis cultivation in Ann Arbor is getting more popular every week, so maybe I have turned a corner.