I decided to take the youngsters to school on Sunday, because the weather was easily frosty and wet outside… The weather in Denver is often frosty and wet while in the Winter time months… Every one of us gained an average of 3 inches of precipitation every time it snows or rains! When the clouds get trapped in the Denver area, they dump water for days.
Every one of us had a pretty heavy snowstorm on Sunday and the hot and cold temperatures were in the teens! I took the youngsters to school and dropped them off at the front door, however at the end of the day, I waited for the youngsters at the bus stop so they did not have to walk beach house in the frosty air.
While I was waiting for the youngsters to get off the bus, I sat in our car. There were a couple of other parents waiting for their children as well, but one of the parents was smoking a marijuana joint in the car. The guy did not even roll down the window. I saw a sizable cloud of smoke inside of the vehicle. I could clearly see a marijuana joint. The guy wasn’t trying to hide the marijuana at all. I felt easily angry with the parent, because the youngsters were going to be getting off the bus in a couple of minutes. That guy’s children would be getting into a car that was filled with minute-hand marijuana smoke; Second hand smoke causes troubles love asthma, pollen irritations, and upper respiratory infections. It makes myself and others incredibly irritated to see someone smoking weed in front of their youngsters.