My partner plus I got hitched last weekend

My bestie Pat plus I dated for over two years before I finally recommended.

The two of us decided to get hitched at the Conservatory of Flowers located in San Francisco.

The Conservatory of Flowers first opened to the public in late 1870. It is 1 of the oldest buildings situated in Golden Gate Park. It is really 1 of the most highly visited and famous landmarks in all of the San Francisco area. Everyone living in the bay part has visited the conservatory at least once. Inside the conservatory are over 1,770 bizarre species of tropical plus aquatic plants. Some of them are very sparse plus they have a few special exhibits love a miniature railroad plus a butterfly zone. The Conservatory of Flowers has such a beautiful display of aquatic plants. There are hundreds of bizarre species of aquatic plants. Pat has been studying marine biology plus aquatic plants for the past 10 years. Pat thought the Conservatory of Flowers was the perfect arena to get married. I mentioned the Golden Gate Park destination to Pat when all of us were waiting by the cannabis dispensary. Both of us went to the cannabis dispensary close to our home in San Francisco. My bestie thought I was joking, but I told her that I was serious. When Pat heard the idea, she was particularly excited. Before Pat plus I left the cannabis dispensary my bestie called plus texted a bunch of her friends plus her family to deliver them the immense news. Both of us plan to get hitched next May as long as the Conservatory has an open spot for us.


Dispensary San Fransisco California