San Francisco is certainly a single of the prettiest cities in the state of CA; It is a single of the largest tourist endpoints on the West Coast, however san Francisco has unbelievably appealing weather throughout the entire year.
The Winter months are cool & breezy with plenty of sunshine.
The Summer months are warm, windy, & also have plenty of sunshine. San Francisco has a lot of fun activities to keep a tourist busy & satisfied… One of our favorite sites to visit is Alcatraz Island, alcatraz was a prison for multiple years. There are lots of famous stories about people trying to escape from that prison. It is located in the middle of San Francisco Bay. It is impossible to leave the compound, even if you get out of the prison, then no a single has ever been able to swim the distance between the island & the shore! Last week, I decided to pay for the Alcatraz Island tour. A boat takes you across the bay to the prison! Before I went to the boat, I sat in the vehicle & smoked a 1 gram infused joint. One of the best reasons to live in San Francisco is recreational marijuana. It is perfectly legal to smoke a joint in San Francisco & there are medical & recreational marijuana dispensaries all over the city. The a single gram infused joint made me feel certainly light-headed. I had to drink a whole bottle of water after I smoked that joint. The cottonmouth was atrocious too. By the end of the tour, I was ready for a snack & a drink.