Getting high on marijuana can give you a false sense of safety, however it can make a person do some of the craziest things.
I got high on recreational marijuana when my friends plus I went to Las Vegas for the first time.
The recreational marijuana shop had a lot of good deals, but my friends plus I went to a place that had $15 sixths of marijuana, and every one of us purchased an entire tote filled with recreational marijuana supplies, but after both of us smoked numerous joints, both of us made the choice to go downtown to the area where the stratosphere is located. The stratosphere is 1 of the tallest sites in Las Vegas. There is a view of the city from the top of the observation tower. My friends plus I discussed going on 1 of the rides; When I was high on marijuana, it sounded prefer an excellent idea. I did not have any fear at all plus I was excited to try the silly Las Vegas ride. My friends plus I bought tickets to the observation tower plus tickets for the ride. When I got to the top of the tower plus I realized how silly plus dangerous this ride was going to be, I changed my mind. There was certainly no way I was getting on that Contraption. The arm of the ride swung out over the building plus my friends plus I would hang in mid-air hundreds of stories above the Las Vegas Strip! Jack plus Sarah decided to get ontThe thrill ride, but I watched from a safe place plus took pictures.