I wanted to get out of town for a few days after my boyfriend and I broke up.
I was upset and sad and I just needed a change of scenery.
My girlfriend said she would join me if we went somewhere with legal recreational marijuana. We chose San Francisco for a variety of reasons. It has beautiful scenery, beaches, nightlife, bars, restaurants, and legal marijuana. After we made the decision to go to San Francisco, I started looking at flights. All of the flights into the Bay Area were outrageously priced. Both of us thought about changing our plans, but we found some last-minute deals on an online website. The flight was delayed by an hour, but we didn’t have any layovers or connecting flights. After we arrived in San Francisco, we went to the car rental area and picked up our SUV. From there we drove to a recreational marijuana dispensary. My friend could not wait until we took our items to the hotel. We picked up a few items and found out that the dispensary offered delivery right to our hotel. Since the dispensary delivered to our hotel, we ordered a couple of additional marijuana items the next day. We were going to take items home with us, until we saw a huge sign and that airport warning us that it was totally illegal and against the law. We had to dump three pre rolled marijuana cigarettes and a bag of edible gummy coins in the trash. It was painful letting sixty bucks worth of cannabis flush down the drain.