I was in Denver for business, then i decided to take the bus to our residence rather than call the cab, then this was a single of our ways of interacting with the locals and hearing more about the area, however as a business person, it was not always simple to find an appropriate time to do this.
Whenever I could, I often took the bus, however so this evening, after I met with the investors, I sat next to the bus driver. I had l gained over time that it was simple to chat with the bus driver than with anyone else. I was blessed that day since it seemed as though I had met an happy a single, he freely told me stories about when he was younger and how cheeky he was, especially men. The driver was a middle-aged guy who seemed to prefer life more than anything else. He kept chewing gum and seemed too optimistic for a strenuous and challenging job. I asked him what his secret was, and he beckoned for me to get closer. He pointed to a pack close to the steering wheel full of yellow substances. Having been exposed and respected with particular herbs, I immediately noted that whatever he showed me was cannabis. This was not shocking since Denver had legalized it a while back. The driver told me that he needed a tiny portion of his miracle herb to have a unbelievable attitude all day. He said that working as a driver is not simple, especially when you meet people with weird perspectives. It is even more stressful if the said people unleash their stress on you. However, he can put a straight face because he is always blissful, thanks to the effect of cannabis.