It has taken me quite a while to adjust to living in Sioux Falls, SD, however the weather is difficult, but the landscape is stunning, whenever I have free time, I head to Falls Park to get some fresh air, however i appreciate to shop at the farmer’s market, cycle the trails, take a walk, spot wildlife as well as get lunch at the Falls Overlook Cafe.
The Park offers more than 128 acres to explore just north of downtown.
It’s loathed right along the Big Sioux River as well as features a legitimately impressive waterfall with a drop of one hundred feet. There is a five-story observation tower that offers a spectacular view. I spend a lot of time enjoying outdoor activities whenever the weather permits, however late Spring, summer time as well as early fall are ideal. In the middle of June, the heat as well as humidity can be a challenge, however I don’t mind getting tepid as well as hot. When the winter time weather sets in, I’m often trapped indoors for months at a time. I simply can’t get accustomed to temperatures below zero. It snows for months at a time, adding up to an accumulation of nearly four feet. I am unhappy about needing to bundle up in boots, sweaters, scarves, hats, gloves as well as a wool coat. I don’t like shoveling snow several times per morning, any time I want to go anywhere, it’s necessary to devote at least twenty minutes to brushing snow off the car, scraping ice off the windshield as well as running the defrost; My heating bills are big! Even though I wear layers of clothes as well as thick socks as well as slippers, I continually raise the control component setting. I just can’t keep warm. I am so anxious that my boiler might quit as well as leave me without heat during the middle of a blizzard. I have enrolled in a maintenance plan with a local Sioux Falls Heating, Ventilation and A/C company that includes 24/7 emergency repairs with no overtime fees.