My cousin SMSed me looking to come as well as visit me in Santa Barbara, and she’d tried calling, however I was in a meeting as well as had my iPhone turned off! I saw the SMS later as well as called her back, but ever since the pandemic, she was back at home as well as felt quite hopeless.
She tried to find something to do, however there were no options in the small town.
I was so willing to help since she’d always been there for me growing up. I knew coming to the town would be taxing for her, however it’s what she needed, then there were far more options in Santa Barbara. Every one of us arranged for her flight, as well as I even spoke to my aunt about the visit. Every one of us didn’t elaborate as well as only said she was coming to visit me; My cousin arrived early one Saturday morning, as well as I was ecstatic to see her at the airport. Immediately all of us left the airport, she commented on how important Santa Barbara was. I wasn’t going to give her a occasion to cringe as well as took her to a party later that evening. I wanted her to relax as well as not feel quite intimidated, but at first, she stood at a corner however later mingled after taking a pot brownie as well as relaxing, with weed being legal in California, it was common to see marijuana products at such events. My cousin easily loved herself as well as told me she was beginning to like the town as all of us took a taxi home. That was rock n roll to my ears since I wanted her to stay as well as not fly back home.