Duct cleaning since Lowell winters keep me inside a lot

The winter lasts most of the year

In Lowell, MA we are stuck indoors a lot. Now consider the fact that I live and work in my same place. I rarely leave the house in the winter. Typically I pay someone to bring my groceries to me. I do online banking and I order things online shopping wise. When I go out in the wintertime, it is usually to see family during the holidays. The rest of the time I am snuggled in deep. I recently read some frightening news though. Did you know that the indoor air can be around 5 times more polluted than the outdoor air? Our heating system frequently pulls in dust, pet dander, dirt, debris, mold spores, and other gross things. The furnace filter only catches so much. Not only does that dirt inhibit the furnace from doing its job, but it pollutes our breathing air. The dust also can get into the ductwork and be spread throughout the house. I just started thinking about my duct work. I imagined it as a cesspool of gross things in the air. I also decided that hiring out ductwork cleaning was a must do. I needed to ensure that my breathing was clean for the entirety of a Lowell winter. The winter lasts most of the year. I wanted to make sure I would be totally clear and clean for that point. The ductwork cleaning appointment took a long time to freshen everything up but the peace of mind was totally worth it. Now I know my house isn’t as dirty as it once was.



furnace/heater repair in Lowell Massachusetts