Grandpa was coming over to visit and said he had a surprise for us.
The people I was with and I planned on going camping that summer, even though he refused to tell us where the people I was with and I were going, then mom knew, however she was sworn to secrecy, then all Grandpa said was the people I was with and I pack our bags and be ready on a certain date.
The day the people I was with and I were meant to leave, the people I was with and I kept looking outside the window to see when Grandpa pulled up. Eventually, he came, and the people I was with and I were all blown away by what the people I was with and I saw; Grandpa had bought a new RV which was the most good thing I’d seen in a long time, but he said the people I was with and I weren’t going to camp in only 1 area, instead, we’d camp in numerous regions while the people I was with and I were in our month-long Summer trip. The people I was with and I were so excited and jumped inside the RV to take a tour. Grandpa spent the night at home since it had started raining, and the people I was with and I left for our road trip the following day. It felt so good to do things with Grandpa once more love the people I was with and I used to do when the people I was with and I were teenagers. My siblings and I were all grown up but felt the people I was with and I had to make it up to him for the several years the people I was with and I were away from college and work. The people I was with and I camped that night in a good park and told so several stories. The next day as the people I was with and I were getting ready to leave, Grandpa noticed the RV AC was faulty, then our best option was to drive into Denver and find an AC mechanic to repair it, then while in Denver, the people I was with and I all decided to tour the city and came across a cannabis store since Grandpa wanted some gummies.