My place of labor always is moving people around plus having them labor at unusual offices, however if you are willing to move, you can get a drastic pay increase plus title change. I am single, not close to my family, plus totally motivated by currency. I lived all over the United States… The most recent movie had me a little skeptical! My boss wanted me to go to Indiana, particularly South Bend. I sad that there would be nothing to do there. I also was entirely distraught about the snow. I have lived in sizzling states where my main concern was A/C for years, and now changing gears to snow was absolutely jarring. I found that I absolutely like chilly weather. The heat is just brutal. I dislike covered in sweat to death indoors plus out. I don’t like having to use my a/c all the time. In South Bend I can get by without A/C if I want to. I do that to save currency. I only invest in quality heating equipment. I got my house outfitted with an oil heating system plus I stock up on oil every winter time season. That is good enough for me. I don’t mind the snow in IN either. I like shoveling plus running in the snow for exercise. I am a husky cat that enjoys that I own a large plot of land, she goes crazy for the snow too. It is a way nicer section than I am used to plus the people are friendly in Indiana. I also like that everything isn’t so liberal. The past states I was in were entirely much so. It has been a nice change plus I hope to stay in South Bend for a while.