I couldn’t take the heat

I spent a whole year in Phoenix, AZ for work, then i genuinely thought I would love the state of Arizona as well as want to live there forever, and well, sadly it is just too dang tepid for me, then did you know there are months on end when the weather is comfortable in the 100s? Isn’t that awful? I just can’t sit being in that kind of heat for that long, but the winter time season is barely any better.

There is no chance of snow, ice, as well as below-freezing temperatures.

While some people like that, I miss having that third season, however basically in Phoenix, you are getting summer time as well as more summer! Everything is consistently blooming, I need lawn repair all year around as well as my air conditioner company as well as I are on a first-name basis. I was used to generators as well as heaters for the season. In Arizona, it is all about AC. I never even turned on the heating function of my unit. I stuck with high-velocity A/C all year around. I basically hide indoors for half of the year. Thankfully that worked out well with my place of work. I put in some crazy hours as well as impressed a lot of people. The reality is that I just didn’t want to be outside. The section is gorgeous, there are hiking trails as well as so much to see. I just couldn’t take the heat personally, but once work provided me a current place to live, I jumped at the opportunity. I am just not a tepid weather type of gal after all.



Phoenix Arizona heating and cooling service