I moved away from Birmingham because of the heat

There are a lot of fun plus interesting locales in Birmingham, one of my number one locales is the national sea life center; It has a lot of unusual marine life like jellyfish, sea turtles, plus sharks.

It has lots of cool plus fun experiences for people of all ages.

I also enjoy going to the Birmingham botanical gardens, then this superb locale has more than 15 acres of diverse plants plus tropical species. It is a good locale to have a picnic… My wifey plus I used to go to this locale in Birmingham every weekend when my buddy and I were together. I lived in Birmingham for about 6 months, although I had to move when I realized that that heat was too much for me. The Summer months in Birmingham are extremely tepid plus humid plus there is no chop from the heat unless you run the air conditioning system 24 hours a day. It cost a lot of money to run the air conditioning all of the time. I tried taxing to keep the temperature set at 72°, however that still made it feel like I was burning up inside of my locale. I came to the understanding that I could not live in Birmingham because of the heat plus humidity plus the cost for air conditioning. I moved several hours north of the city, where I enjoy four unusual plus particular seasons! Sometimes I miss Birmingham, AL, like when I think about my wifey, but fortunately there are lots of nice people around here that could be my next mate.


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