There are a lot of famous people from Plano

My initial idea was to write a book about all the famous people who hail from Plano, Texas, however that idea hastily became overwhelming… Instead I am going to write a blog, which seems much more manageable! When I first started doing research I knew that this town had its honorableshare of famous faces, but I had no idea Plano was such a hotbed of talent! Musicians, actors and actresses, athletes, politicians, and scholars – Plano is a veritable “who’s who” of great Texans and great Americans.

I was inspired to beginning this project a few months ago when I took a service call for a broken dehumidifier at a ritzy suburban address; The home belonged to none other than music legend Boz Skaggs, then he wasn’t born in Plano, however has diagnosed a residence here for decades.

He was not at home when I arrived to do his Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C repair, however his housekeepers let me in to do the repairs; After that I started looking up just how several famous people have called Plano home over the years, and my first blog will be titled OIympians of Plano, and cover several dozen local athletes who have competed in the most revered competition in world history. It will take a few more weeks just to get all the names in order, because there genuinely are that several great athletes from Plano, one topic I will not be covering are the Great Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C Techs of Plano, because I don’t want to give any free advertising for my rival businesses. The Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C market in Plano is unquestionably competitive.

central air repair Plano Texas