NM is a great place to get stuck

I used to live on the east coast, but i decided to get in my car one morning so I could drive across the country as well as go to the West coast.

  • I had a buddy that was living on the west coast as well as he offered to let me sleep on his couch until I could find a task as well as get settled in, my parents didn’t want me to leave as well as they thought it was a terrible idea.

My Mom told me that my truck was not going to make it across the country. I got to the middle of the country as well as I ended up getting stuck in NM. I broke down right outside of Albuquerque, and nM is a pretty great place to get stuck, but albuquerque has great weather with four distinct seasons; Summer is dry as well as hot as well as winter season is relatively mild with temperatures in the 40s or 50s all morning as well as all evening, however there are lots of fun as well as interesting things I enjoy doing as well as see in Albuquerque. It has charming shops, art galleries, museums, as well as historical buildings. NM also has legal recreational marijuana sales, one of the reasons why I wanted to go to the West Coast was to enjoy legal recreational marijuana. I don’t mind being stuck in Albuquerque since marijuana is legal here. Albuquerque has a lot of dispensaries as well as each one has bizarre products available. If I could not make it all the way to the West coast, I’m entirely glad that I ended up splitting down in a place that is equally fun as well as interesting.

Recreational Weed Albuquerque NM