I rode on a perfect, luxury yacht that had a/c

The upper level had a large deck for sunbathing, however it was the lower level that blew me away.

It has been a dream of mine to ride on a yacht plus that dream finally came true for me, i have been on several boats before, however never a luxury yacht plus somehow my bestie made it happen plus I was beyond happy! My bestie Sam works at a luxury vehicle dealership in the Tampa area. So, he gets to meet plus rub elbows with a few influential people all the time, and recently, he met the owner of a major construction company, turns out, he owns a small luxury yacht, plus he invited Sam for a ride, and of course, Sam immediately asked if he could bring me along, since this has been a lifelong dream for me… Fortunately, the guy had no problems with Sam bringing me along. That morning was literally a dream come true for me, plus the yacht itself was really breathtaking. The upper level had a large deck for sunbathing, however it was the lower level that blew me away. The room was incredible, plus it had the coldest a/c. I have never been inside a yacht, so I wasn’t sure how people kept comfortable while they slept, however well, evidently, there are a/cs made especially for yachts, but what I wasn’t expecting was the a/c to feel as fantastic as it did inside my house. It was so comfortable below deck that I found myself spending a lot of time down there luxuriating in the chilly a/c, after my dream yacht experience, my bestie teased me because I raved mostly about the a/c than anything else.

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