I labor for a Jacksonville cooling system service corporation that offers services 24/7, and in an emergency, my friend and I will be there to help; Each one of the corporations is Nate certified to labor on a variety of weird makes plus models. I have to labor every other weekend, even though I honestly do not mind, my bestie has to labor every weekend at the hospital, and on the weekends when I work, I have to be on call in the middle of the night for emergencies… Periodically the weekends can be quite long when I have numerous cooling system service calls in the Jacksonville area. Last Wednesday night was one of those busy plus long weekends. I left my property around 10:00 in the night because a client near the beaches called for an emergency repair. I was finishing up with the ductless A/C service when I got a second emergency service call… The client was calling from the Westside plus it was one of our commercial customers… She has a laundromat that is open 24 hours a day. The central A/C component was blowing moderate air plus she wanted us to repair the problem in the middle of the night. Even though I was all the way at the beach, I still went to the West Side to help our client out with the commercial A/C repair. I didn’t get to go back to sleep until almost 7:00 in the morning. Thank goodness I didn’t have any service busy for Tuesday, because I honestly needed to get a little bit of rest.