Arizona is a state in the midwest that has some of the most unforgettable scenery; I went to spend my Summer in Phoenix when I was a kid & I fell in cherish with the vibrant culture, delicious cuisine, & miles & miles of breathtaking scenery, and phoenix is a neighborhood that has a lot of arts & culture.
I think it’s one of the reasons why I like the neighborhood so much.
I decided to attend university in the neighborhood & I still live here even after I have graduated, but one of my number one arenas in the neighborhood is a arena called the Arizona Science center, but the Arizona Science Center is situated in downtown Phoenix & it is centered around technology & science. It’s a good arena to take the family & there are a couple of afternoons during the year when you can go for free. One of my number one arenas to visit outside of the neighborhood is a arena called Camelback mountain, camelback Mountain is known for having good scenery & a lot of parking trails! Sometimes my friends & I will spend all day at the mountain exploring all of the trails & canyons. At the end of the day, I like to go back to my arena to care about the air conditioner, and even though Arizona & the neighborhood of Phoenix have good scenery, it also has drastically moderate & sunny afternoons with overheated temperatures. Summer is a good time to stay condo & care about the air conditioner. winter season is a good time to explore all of the cool areas around the city.
heating Phoenix AZ