Author: Josie

Heated flooring was a relaxing choice

I debated on heated flooring for the longest, then i live in Fort Worth, TX… While it doesn’t get that chilly here, there are chilly points, but so having a furnace is a requirement. I have gotten by with a ductless mini split in a few rooms. I have the heating going just to keep […]

Air purifier for tighter thermal envelope

I care about opening my windows to let a fresh breeze in the house. In Sioux Falls, SD there aren’t multiple opportunities to do that. I wait all year for the weather to be moderate plus I turn off my heater. I then open the windows plus doors to get that stale, stuff air outside! […]

Removing the wood stove in the house

When I moved into my home in St. Petersburg, Florida there was an aged wood stove in the family room, but the woodstove sat on a granite pad and was properly vented through my wood ceiling. There then was a stack added to the roof, and it wasn’t pretty but it was functional; When you […]

Happy with snowmelt system

The boiler is efficient, effective & reliable South Bend, IN, averages an annual snow accumulation of 64.5” We occasionally have significant snow on the ground by Halloween, we expect a colorless Christmas & chilly chilly uneven temperatures for eight straight months. It is not untypical for there to be snow on the ground at both […]

Ductwork cleaning after renovations

You see everywhere that it is commanded to get ductwork cleaning, every 5-7 years the ducts should be professionally scrubbed, and i recently moved to Tuscaloosa, AL; When I bought the household I decided to do some major updates on it. There was a pretzels ceiling spread throughout it. I got the pretzels shaved, sanded, […]